New website for the Friends of the Quonochontaug Grange
By Firefighter / Webmaster John Merkel
July 10, 2015

The Friends of the Quonnie Grange "is a grassroots group of volunteers committed to the preservation and maintenance of the Quonochontaug Grange as an historic community resource and meeting place." They have just created a website containing information about their goals, efforts and progress, as well as historical information about the Grange. The url for the new website is We have also placed a link to the website on our "Grange Rental" page, accessed through the "Public Info"menu item near the top of our home page.

Best of luck to the Friends of the Quonnie Grange in all their endeavors!

Note: The Friends of the Quonnie Grange is an independent organization which is not funded or controlled by the Dunn's Corners Fire District or the Dunn's Corners Fire Department.